Property & Casualty
Actuarial Services
For Self-Insured and Captive Insurers
We have experience and expertise in analyzing key issues, such as rate adequacy and overall rate level, risk structure, classification plans, and profitability by business segment. Other areas we cover are loss and expense liabilities, risk retention alternatives, pricing, funding, and financial modeling.
Pricing, reserving, and regulation of all lines of insurance.
Broad knowledge, unbiased expert-witness testimony.
- Personal lines pricing
- Commercial lines pricing
- Specialty lines pricing
- Rate review
- Reserving
- Solvency II expertise
- Financial data calls and reporting
- Product development
- Predictive modeling
- CAT modeling

- Our team has strong track record of providing a combination of cutting-edge tools, technology and techniques to provide valuable ratemaking and product development services.
- Our experience stretches back over five decades of evaluating products, data, and markets.